<b date-time="YqHGK"><big lang="8sytg"><acronym draggable="st8Lhq"><code dropzone="Uy4N4R"></code></acronym></big><bdo dropzone="C7fVM5"></bdo></b>
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<small lang="6uoUmk"></small><small lang="DQjj3"><strong lang="du95ph"></strong></small><noframes lang="aA69y">


类型:伦理  地区:菲律宾  年份:2013 


<em dir="gHibag"></em><var date-time="sctw4E"></var><abbr id="AbkBZ"><ins id="Sp6Ap"></ins></abbr><u lang="m2rLt"></u>


《尚未成年》是霍埃尔·拉曼根导演的一部超级经典的菲律宾伦理片,该剧讲述了:High school student Jen Guilarman lives in misery with her abusive mother and her mom&#39;s lesbian lover. Looking for some escape, she aims to join an all-girl gang which first requires her to undergo a sexual rite. Jen only has one man in mind, and that is her teacher Ariel Basco who has always been sympathetic with her. Suddenly, Jen cries rape and gets her teacher arrested. But...,想看更多的相关影视作品,请收藏我们的网站:www.m.stlryy.com

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